Monday, February 9, 2009

Searching for Baby B

Another appointment with the O.B today. Upon walking in, I prepared myself for the possibility of not hearing two heartbeats. As mentioned before, this fear was born from reading and hearing stories from people I do and do not know. As much as I tried to tell myself everything was fine and trust in God, it was always in the back of my mind.

Today when I went into my appointment, the nurse used the Doppler to find the heartbeats. She couldn't find them. I heard that sometimes babies react to the Doppler's sound waves, so you can hear them kicking at it. The nurse said she heard them moving, but they were wiggling so much that it was hard for her to find their heartbeats. Hmmm...yeah right. I could tell she was a little worried. I, too, was panicking inside and trying to be calm on the outside. The nurse left the room and said she would have the doctor try it. I was sitting in the room all by myself...waiting and wondering.

A few minutes later the ultrasound tech came in with an ultrasound machine (whatever it's called). At first the tech could only find Baby A. The doctor came in to help her, and they found the top of Baby B's head. We couldn't see its body to determine that it was moving. A few minutes of panic passed and --hallelujah!--they found little Baby B hiding behind its twin with a healthy heartbeat. Little rascal. Moments like these are only the beginning of my children freaking me out.

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