Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Two Girls!

Two girls, and clear as day (as my mom would say)! By the looks of the ultrasound, there's no question as to what their sex is. As far as we know they are both healthy. Baby B is a week behind in development, so we'll just keep going back to take a look at her growth. She also has a bright white spot below her diaphragm, which they told me nothing about. However, I read that it could most likely be a calcium deposit that disappears before birth. I'm praying that's all it is. We got a DVD of the ultrasound in 2D and 3D...not the kind where you wear 3D glasses, although that would be funny. I think technically it's called 4D. What's the fourth dimension? If we can figure out how to get a DVD clip posted on here, we'll post it. If we can figure out how to get pictures off of our camera, we'll post a picture of my belly too!

Allan felt one of the babies move one night. I didn't think it was possible to feel them that early, but they were squirming! It was a special moment indeed. He is really excited about the babies. He works on the house every chance he can get to prepare for their arrival, not to mention my inevitable hugeness that will keep me from running up and down the stairs of our apartment very easily.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm getting weird cravings yet. I must say that I haven't had weird ones, but boy do I have cravings! Like pickles and milk. I never thought I would be a pregnant pickle eater. One day I made a special trip the store just to get them. I was so hungry that I ended up buying a bunch of other stuff. When I carried it all in, I dropped a bag. The only thing that broke was my jar of pickles. And I was sad. I bought another jar to prepare for my future pickle cravings. One time I gleefully reached into the refridgerator to grab the jar of pickles (I couldn't wait!). I poked my finger into the jar only to find that there was a three inch thick frozen layer on top. The thought crossed my mind to find something to chisel it. Luckily my conscience is loud, and I decided not to hurt myself for pickles.

I don't have much else to say about the babies or anything else really. This is as interesting as my life gets. Yes, pickles and milk.

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