Wednesday, May 27, 2009

28 weeks

It's been a while. I have officially entered the third trimester. Even though I'm on bed rest, I dont find it easy to sit at the computer anymore. It's actually a lot more difficult to sit in an uncomfortable computer chair to write a blog. I'm borrowing a laptop for now, so I'll try and squeeze in as much as I can before I give it back.

The babies are doing ok. Baby B is still 2 weeks behind, but her growth is consistent. I'm still going in for ultrasounds every week. Last time I went into my regular checkup, the doctor said my belly is measuring at 37 weeks for a singleton pregnancy. I can't believe how huge my belly already feels, and I'm only 7 months along. They say that by this time the babies aren't moving as violently anymore because they are short on space. So far I haven't experienced that relief. These babies find a way to sucker punch whenever they can. It seems the bigger they get, the harder the kicks, space or no space. I went in to get my second non-stress test (monitors the babies' heart rate, my heart rate, and contractions). What usually takes about 20 minutes took 2 hours because they were moving around so much!

Last week I had my first non-stress test. Apparently, the movements I was feeling during the previous three weeks were contractions. I learned that quickly when the test was recording that I was having them irregularly. They say four in one hour is cause for concern. I had at least that many in 20 minutes. So I was put on a medicine called Brethine (Terbutaline Sulfate) to reduce contractions. It wears off two hours before I can take it again, but it works for the most part.

In general, I am very uncomfortable and tired and sore. Bed rest is becoming something I appreciate more and more. Trying to get out is not even appealing to me. Taking a shower is one of the most exhausting activities of the day. I don't know which is worse at this point: exhaustion from taking care of two babies, or exhaustion from being pregnant with them.

Allan is feeling the pressure of getting the house done for us. The clock is ticking. I could have these babies any day now, although for their sake I hope they hang in there for at least four more weeks. Allan is also ready for me to be done with pregnancy, He has been working so hard at work, on the house, and taking care of me. It will be nice for him when I can finally do things around the house. I know I won't have much time or energy while I'm taking care of the babies, but I'll be able to do more than I can now.

We picked out names! Too bad you can't find out until the babies are born. Sorry. Everyone knows so much about this pregnancy that we would like to keep something secret!


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