Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Results

My apologies for not posting. I clicked "save" instead of "publish" Sorry! Some of you have been anxiously awaiting the news. Here is the story. Scroll down to the last paragraph if you don't want to hear details :)

The night before, Allan and I spent what could possibly be our last night at home together for a while. We got up in the morning, making sure I was prepared for at least a few days at the hospital. I said bye to the dogs, and we made the dreary walk out to the car. I ate a good ol' McDonald's breakfast during the forty-five minute rainy drive. I asked Allan, "Wouldn't it be awesome if the doctor said, 'Everything's great. You can go home.'"? A miracle wasn't out of the question for us, but we tried to prepare ourselves for the worst as a defense mechanism.

We made it to the hospital and met Allan's mom there. We went to the Starbucks on the first floor, and I ordered a decaf iced raspberry latte. mmmm....Anyway! We went into the exam room, the tech began the ultrasound. The babies were head-to-head (normally B has her butt in A's face), and they definitely put on a show for us! Baby B wouldn't let the tech measure the blood flow through the umbilical cord because she kept kicking it, and Baby A kept bumping the other one with her stomach like a sumo wrestler. Haha. After a few minutes, she finally was able to hold it for a few seconds so the tech could get a reading.

Dr. G, as he is lovingly called, entered the room shortly after. He is very laid back, but has a good sense of humor. I heard from my OB in Anderson that he is an excellent doctor. I am always glad to hear from him. He discussed the ultrasound results with the tech. Dr. G examined the screen, and said pensively, "Baby A's looks great....and Baby B's looks equally great." The tech and Dr. G just looked at us for a few seconds and the doc shrugged. He asked "What did you do this past week that made the difference?" We basically told them lots of bed rest and prayer. I wish you could have been there to see the slight grin on my Dr. G's face. It was the kind that needed to be professional, but at the same time wanted to rejoice with us. The tech told him that I am (was) the children's director at our church. She is a Christian, and I suspect he is too. I think she was trying to tell him that we are also believers, but I understood how doctors need to be careful about religion in the world of medicine. He said cheerfully, "Well, then keep doing the same thing, and we'll see you next week." He congratulated us on going home, made a joke about hospital food, and just like that, he was gone. Then we went home!

Allan and I spent a relaxing day together, at home, of course. I still have mixed feelings about being home. The house is a mess, and I can't do anything about it! haha. Any of you women ever experienced the nesting phase? Imagine having the motivation and forcing yourself to contain it. However, I am thankful to be home when Allan comes home and to know that the babies are doing okay.

Thank you to everyone who kept us in your thoughts and prayers this week. Please continue to, as they have shown a major improvement but are not out of the woods yet. Please pray that I keep my sanity :)


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