Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What I'll Miss (and Won't Miss)

I can't believe how quickly my second trimester flew by. My belly is measuring at 9 months (39.5 weeks), and I'm almost 7.5 months pregnant. I still have about a month or more left to go. Wow! I thought bed rest would make time seem to move slowly. I guess I can't say that everything about bed rest has been awful, although it hasn't been a lot to smile about. It's been fun to watch the babies move around, to feel a tiny foot roll across by belly and along the bottom of my hand. It's fascinating to know when they're kicking each other and what kind of things they react to. They respond the most to milk, tornado sirens, Allan's voice and kisses, and my hands resting on my belly. They usually take turns kicking me, but when I haven't eaten in a while, they gang up.

I know that Baby B, the smaller one, is most active during ultrasounds. She's not as strong, but she's very wiggly. She hates it when something pushes on her, and she always fights back. She's always sitting on her sister's head, but Baby A doesn't fight back like Baby B does. I'll miss some things about being pregnant. I'll miss the mystery of what they look like, the excuse for gaining so much weight, how nice strangers suddenly become when they see that I'm pregnant, and I know that I'll miss being able to sleep, shower, and go to the bathroom whenever I want.

What I won't miss about pregnancy is feeling sick, sore, helpless and trapped inside my house, and feeling like I ran a marathon when all I did was walk up the stairs. I won't miss taking pills, making myself eat when I don't want to, not wearing my wedding ring, not being able to cuddle with my husband comfortably, heating up my lunch meat in the microwave, and I won't miss maternity clothes. I can't wait until I can wear pants with a button and a zipper, eat soft cheese, and go on a walk.

I know there are other things I will sacrifice once the babies come. At the same time, I've always felt that even when I'm stressed out and tired from being busy all the time, I feel a sense of accomplishment. It's hard to feel like I'm accomplishing something when I'm sitting on my butt all day and sleeping for 10-12 hours (I know, I know. I'm busy growing babies). Some of you know how I feel. None of you will be able to convince me that I will be more miserable taking care of my babies than I feel now. I can't wait to meet them and hold them and know what they look like. It will be so fun and so challenging at the same time. I just hope and pray that my next pregnancy is with only one child!



  1. I remember feeling so tired of being pregnant at the end. I was measuring 6 weeks ahead, so at the end I was at about 42 weeks even though we had him 2 weeks early! Can't wait to meet these little girls!

  2. I had a list similar to this about what I liked and disliked about being pregnant, too. Mostly it was dislikes, lol. My pregnancy was awful, but certainly not comparable to a twin pregnancy on full bedrest for months at a time, so I can't complain without you probably wanting to smack me!

    It is always wonderful to hear that you are still pregnant, the longer the better, and that the babies are growing and thriving. It sounds like, though she may be smaller for a little while, Baby B will be your feisty daughter! Caia's personality definitely showed through the pregnancy, and I have read a lot of research in personality traits being set in utero - preferences towards certain sounds, tastes, and of course Mama and Daddy's voices and touches. It will be interesting to see if a year from now, Baby B ends up being strong willed and maybe even a little bullheaded. ;)

    I will pray and pray, and I have faith those babies can keep on baking for lots longer! You are doing such a great job, Melody. God bless your little family!

    Amber (Morgan) Davis
