Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sick of Being Sick

I started becoming suspicious of being pregnant when, at the daycare, a group of elementary girls ran up to me, patted my belly, and said, "Miss Melody has a baby in her belly!" As you can imagine, I laughed it off...but inside I was frozen with fear. I know how kids have a weird sixth sense about those things. A couple weeks passed. I knew before I even took the test that something was different. I knew for sure when Allan and I went to visit our friend, Dottie, at the hospital who just had her baby that day. As Allan was holding the little bundle, he looked up at me and winked. I immediately went to Walmart to buy a pregnancy test. I took it the next day, and sure enough! The infamous plus sign appeared.

I tried to figure out how to tell Allan. I paced around the room, half panicked and half way in denial. Allan told me he would be right back, so I quickly placed the positive test in our little four-foot Christmas tree. When he came back I told him I had an early Christmas present. When he finally found it, he stared at it and asked, "what's it mean?" When I told him it was positive, he raised his eyebrows...I broke down into tears.

The next morning the sickness began. I was nauseated the first week, then woke up a few days later with the stomach flu that I brought home from school. Afterwards, my morning sickness became much worse. I couldn't even sip water without losing it. Going to work took a toll on me. Everything I smelled triggered that lovely sensation in the pit of my stomach. At home all I could do was lie in the recliner with a puke bucket, Gatorade and saltines. It was a challenge just to walk to the bathroom.

Finally, I convinced Allan that it wasn't psychological (I don't understand men sometimes). We went to the ER where they hydrated me through an IV and gave me some medicine to help me keep down food and fluids. The medicine didn't really work that well for a while. It only decreased the amount of times I was in the bathroom hugging the toilet.

I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden in the past few days, I've been feeling much better! I still have to take medicine, but I can eat now. AND I LOVE TO EAT! So far my cravings have been broccoli and cheese soup and hot fudge sundaes. mmmmm...I could use one right about now. Thanks to everyone who has been taking care of me and understanding my crippling sickness. Allan has been such a wonderful husband. He's been making special trips to get me things I think I can eat, only to flush it all down the toilet. Hopefully, I am reaching the end of my nausea.

I did a lot of research about morning sickness. They aren't sure what causes it exactly, but they know it can be much worse with twins :)

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