Thursday, July 9, 2009

Running Out of Womb

Baby A 
5 lbs 8 ozs

Baby B
3 lbs 6 oz

The picture of baby B up there is from last week. She has gained half a pound since then. Baby A's pictures are from today. She gained a whole pound in a week! B is now 4 weeks behind instead of 3, but she is still growing.  The goal for her now is 4 pounds.

The goal for all of us is to make it to 37 weeks (two more), not tomorrow like I was told to prepare for.  Good news for everyone...especially Allan, who is sweating over preparing our house for us. Somehow in the middle of the night, little Houdini (Baby B) turned back around into her breech position. I knew she did last night because this morning I could feel her head pushing mightily at my belly button instead of her knees. That makes a c-section much more likely today than it was only yesterday. The doctors took me off of Terbutaline, the meds that "make my contractions better." So far today they haven't been any worse. I'm just twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the next thing to happen. Who knows? Maybe this will be my last blog entry of my pregnancy! But probably not...

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